The XPS International (XI) Logo
Our company
logo, shown here, resembles the Greek letter "gamma" written c. The X-like shape of this Greek letter is similar, in shape, to the letter "X" which is the first letter of the acronym, XPS. The
coloring of this X is meant to represent the initially peaceful state of the atom. The red
dot at the top of
the straight leg symbolizes the excited nature of the electron just after it was
emitted from the photon-excited atom. The straight leg with the the red dot at the top of it forms the letter "i" the first letter of "International".
The straight, blue-green leg
symbolizes the recoil path of the atomic core and, at the same time, the path
of the emitted electron that occurs roughly at an angle of 90° to the incoming photon that appears as the wavy leg of the logo. The wavy leg of the logo also represents the dual wave-particle nature of the
incoming monochromatized X-ray photon that caused the electron to be
The abbreviation "XI" is pronounced "kai" in honor of Kai
Siegbahn (Sweden), who received the Nobel prize in 1981 for
developing XPS into a useful analytical method. The words "XPS" and
"International" were chosen because I love XPS and because my family is truly