XPS International |
XI Sales Agents & Contacts |
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XPS International LLC is now accredited by the Better Business Bureau
This accreditation applies to XPS International LLC in the USA.
Prices in various countries can be 20-30% higher due to exchange rates and local
agent costs.
Contact the International Sales Manager for actual costs or a quotation.
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Sales Contacts |
France |
Bureau d'Etudes et de
Documentation Industrielle Fax: 33 (0) 1 47 00 04 69 |
ニュートリノ 株式会社 〒182-0024 東京都調布市布田 1-44-3 高橋ビル Sales Agent: Hibata-san E-mail: info@neutrino.co.jp Web-site: www.neutrino.co.jp Tel: +81-(424) 84-5550 FAX: +81-(424) 84-5556 |
Korea |
BuySoft Inc.
Sales Agent: Chris Yu
E-mail chris@buysoft.co.kr
Web-site: www.buysoft.co.kr
Tel: +82 (2)538-3112
FAX: +82 (2) 538-5660
Russia |
Technoinfo Ltd.
Pitt House, 120, Baker Str., London, England, W1U 6TU
Sales Agent: Natasha Mikulinskaya
E-mail: nmikulinsk@aol.com
Spain |
Mundi-Prensa Libros, S.A.
C/ Castello, 37, 28001 Madrid, Spain
Sales Agent:
Yolanda Benítez
Telefono: +34 (914) 36 37 00
Fax: +34 (915) 75 39 98
XPS International, LLC 754 Leona Lane Mountain View, California, 94040, USA Sales Agent: Vince Crist E-mail: sales@xpsdata.com Web-site: www.xpsdata.com Cell Phone: +1 (650) 919-3940 Office Tel: +1 (650) 961-6620 FAX: +1 (650) 961-8591 |
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